Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How Does Obesity Effect Your Body?

Obesity is a huge issue in today`s society, that is constantly growing. We have so many fast food stops, unhealthy goods available at grocery stores, and we look around and see obese people everywhere. One big issue with obesity is that; children`s obesity rates are the quickest rising rates in the United States as far as health issues. It would be very beneficial for adults to live a healthier lifestyle so their children can look up to them and be healthy as well.

But what exactly does obesity do to you? Obesity has so many side effects dealing with psychological issues all the way to bodily effects. I decided it would be most beneficial to talk about bodily effects on them.


-high blood pressure
-heart disease
-joint problems
-sleep apnea
-respiratory problems
-metabolic syndrome

Many people will look at this and ask, "Cant you get these symptoms from other things?" The answer to that is yes, but it is important to realize that being obese makes you more vulnerable to develop one of these issues.Although these are more serious bodily effects there are also little things which include;

-constant sweating
-feeling sick
-loss of breath
-unable to sleep
-very tired all the time
- cannot deal with any physical activity

So after looking at all of these different symptoms its important to ask yourself, "Is this really how i want to live my life?" Of course the answer should easily be no. It is important to look at different exercises,workout plans, and diets that will help avoid obesity.

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