Sunday, April 22, 2012

How can drugs affect YOUR health??

The majority of people around the world are using drugs. Drugs are meant to be used with proper care. There are a variety of different types of drugs out there. There are perscription drugs, hallucinigens, amphetamines, and even alcohol is considered a drug. I will go more into detail here about these drugs in a little bit. What most people don't realize is how much these drugs can have an affect on a persons' body. Even drugs that are perscribed by doctors can have a affect if they are abused. Next, I will list different types of drugs and how they can affect a persons' health.


There are a number of marijuana smokers out there. Some believe it should be legalized, but the government thinks otherwise. Marijuana can distort a person's perception, troubled thinking and problem solving, and an increased heart rate. Marijuana can really effect your brain and a loss of memory may occur. Also this drug is smoked, therefore, it can really hurt your lungs.

Perscription drugs

These drugs are meant to provide benefits such as pain relief, sedatives, tranquilizers, and stimulants. A loss of appetite may happen while taking these kinds of drugs. That itself can open a door to a bag of new health problems. Also these drugs can be addictive and tolerances are grown to these drugs so people will need to take more doses to get their fix.


This is one of the most abused drugs on earth. People who repeaditly use cocaine can experience irregular heart beat, heart attack, respitory failure, chest pain, strokes, seizures, and nausea.


Hallucinogens are mainly used by people who like to go on something they call these days a "trip." When abusing this drug, you may experience increased blood pressure, loss of appetite, dizziness, dry mouth, sweating, nausea, numbness, and tremors.


Heroin is the known as the most dangerous drug and can be fatal if abused. It is known to be the drug with the most overdoses. Some effects can be kidney disease, change in skin texture, and can cause a hepititas C infection.

Here is a link that goes more into different kinds of drugs and their health related affects:

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